Domain Dates

Creation Date: WHOIS History
Updated Date: WHOIS History
Expiration Date: WHOIS History

Registrant Contact

Id: C5067214-LRMS~1 domain
Name: T***r~16 domains
Organization: Central Institute Of Indian Languages~6 domains
Email: u*** domain
Phone: +91.8212515820~3 domains
Fax: +91.8212515032
Street: Department of Secondary and Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Manasaganotri Hunsur Road~2 domains
City: Mysore~110 domains
State Province: Karnataka~4,343 domains
Postal Code: 570006~9 domains
Country: India~67,640 domains
Address: Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India Manasaganotri Hunsur Road, Mysore, Karnataka, 570006, India~2 domains

Admin Contact

Id: C5067214-LRMS~1 domain
Name: T***r~16 domains
Organization: Central Institute Of Indian Languages~6 domains
Email: u*** domain
Phone: +91.8212515820~3 domains
Fax: +91.8212515032
Street: Department of Secondary and Higher Education~1 domain
City: Mysore~110 domains
State Province: Karnataka~4,343 domains
Postal Code: 570006~9 domains
Country: India~67,640 domains
Address: Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Mysore, Karnataka, 570006, India~1 domain

Tech Contact

Id: C5067214-LRMS~1 domain
Name: T***r~16 domains
Organization: Central Institute Of Indian Languages~6 domains
Email: u*** domain
Phone: +91.8212515820~3 domains
Fax: +91.8212515032
Street: Department of Secondary and Higher Education~1 domain
City: Mysore~110 domains
State Province: Karnataka~4,343 domains
Postal Code: 570006~9 domains
Country: India~67,640 domains
Address: Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Mysore, Karnataka, 570006, India~1 domain

Billing Contact

Id: C5067214-LRMS~1 domain
Name: T***r~16 domains
Organization: Central Institute Of Indian Languages~6 domains
Email: u*** domain
Phone: +91.8212515820~3 domains
Fax: +91.8212515032
Street: Department of Secondary and Higher Education~1 domain
City: Mysore~110 domains
State Province: Karnataka~4,343 domains
Postal Code: 570006~9 domains
Country: India~67,640 domains
Address: Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Mysore, Karnataka, 570006, India~1 domain


Registrar: PDR Ltd. dba domains

Domain Status

Name Servers ~4 domains ~4 domains ~4 domains ~4 domains

Raw WHOIS Record ( last updated on )

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